Friday, February 5, 2010

sHE beLIEveD him

so I got fired the other day...
Now Im jobless
ruined my plans for the weekend
Not that they wouldnt have been ruined... Its snowing bad and it started early... so that means I wouldnt have been able to leave anyways...
I wasnt ment to enjoy myself this weekend i guess
My 8 ball is always right.... strange... but very true
Im really confused on things right now...

I think im getting better about my emotions... and I just pop a sleeping pill if it's too much to handle... But I over think things I think...

I am constantly asking... wait what does that mean... im referring to simple text messages... ughh why is it looked down upon to be straight out about things... Just put it out there... Black or White....Yes or No... its not that hard....and then when it does get technically I always feel like shit....

for example labels... I dont like them...

There is a word for this situation! Id much rather the label stick then to mention that word....

UGHHHH am I confusing anyone yet????


what can I do

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