Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My roommate annoys the living shit out of me. I know im not the easiest person in the world to get along with but, do you have to annoyingly laugh all the time?
Your so fucking annoying...like shut the fuck up already. Do you just laugh was louding for attention or do you really think everything in the whole world is that funny.

On to the next rant... I hate being broke and poor but I've totally accepted that fact that I am. That's fine and dandy, then you have friends that invite you out all the the time. Like bitch I don't have $ for a cell phone I lost months ago, and your calling me on the store work phone.

and the next one. I LOVE BEING ALONE!!! I hate people. I need to study in complete and utter silence. Oh how I envy Rapunzel and her life of solitude. I believe that this has been instilled in me from an early age. When I was an impressionable teenager my mother told me that "Other people will just being you down, you don't need anyone else" This statement was regarding to the fact that i was going to homecoming alone,
and without a date &; I agreed with her, and it was true. But now I see others all around me people and friends who I surround myself around bugging me, driving me crazy all day, asking for handouts, asking for favors, shit lately just asking for my time has been bothering. I DON'T HAVE MY OWN SHIT STRAIGHT! I need to study, i need to save $, i don't have the luxury to take your places or meet you for drinks or lunch. I cant afford to be a loser forever. I have bills to pay ( which by the way, am I the only one who pays them and doesn't live with their parents) So have I circummed to just being a bitch all the the time? Am I not deserving of fun and free time?


steak medium rear
moutain dew
cheap clothes
hate cheese on your bugers, and ranch
shoe size is 11
eyes are hazel
back scratched
bad kid
dont make fun of retards
played with barbies
bud light
This is not the situation where it's ok for me to act like this...

It's none of my busniess right?

who am i to judge?

and the point is Im just jealous...but I have no right to be

Its not my place

But it upsets me

I dont feel comfortable asking, and that will make clear of my stalking

I just dont know what my role in this is...

Im not sure of how Im suppose to feel/ or act/ or say

I know how I do... and it was made clear that's not totally acceptable

I try to remain quiet and play it cool. Not blurt out any emotions

But can't it be felt...

they have to feel it... if Im about to burst, holding back tears, screaming on the inside, staring at you smiling....dont you just know.,.

isn't it obvious...

But he's not mine, he never was

why do i even care?

I dont think it's him in the whole situation, I think it's me...