Wednesday, August 27, 2014

cuz I want it all

I don't wanna do this anymore
I've been down this road, and it feels all too fimilar
I know where's this leads
I know where this ends
You make me crazy
Maybe I'm just not mentally stability to handle your fickleness
-but gets there's tons of people out there just waiting to be ignored and let down,
By a nice guy like you
You seem to have too much going on in your life for me anyways

The questions i am facing, is why does this keep happening
You are begging me to push you away
Clearly I am part of the problem since the same relationships keep happening over and over again

Maybe i just turn the boys next door into assholes, maybe I seek them out, maybe I'm a magnet....
But if the same issue keeps popping up time and time again... Clearly it's begging for attention
Clearly it's something coming from within me that needs to be address...

So what is it that I want?
Happily ever after.... That didn't work out
A fuck buddy.... I longed for a relationship
A relationship, I'm striving for some consistsentecy 

I wanna like you
I think I just might
But I can't do this
I can wait for you... Just do you can let me down
I can't let you plants seeds in my head...
I guess I'm just better off alone
I guess no one can stand me....

I mean what do unreality bring to the table???
I need to work on myself and not need others to vaildate my happiness, to make me feel important

Right now you just me look stupid...
Right now I am stupid 
So let's nip it in the bud

Let's not plant this horrible relationship tree... Nothing good is ever gonna come
From this anyway....
You had me there for awhile, you did! But another has already done the dirty work. I'm done

&&& i hope to gawd I can mean what I say this time! I wish to find the strength to follow through on my words and more so my thoughts 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

How could you NOT make that error

The real question is how could you have NOT made that error? It's almost as if there was a cosmic imperative that things would happen as they did. In other words, there's a far greater purpose to it. Figure out that lesson, and you can move forward gracefully.