Sunday, January 24, 2010

X 10

Im not doctor but you by the far the best thing for me...As much as you make me mentally and physically ache... You make the happiess ive ever been. I feel like Im going to burst :-)
Thank you....
You make me wanna be better... do all the things I do better.... improve the things I dont like about myself for you. Not that i dont love my self....just make me better....

I mean it when I say i love this...and I would do anything to stay this way....

thats all the thoughts I have time for tonight.....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nothing easy is ever worth having

blah so all my hopes and dreams have been crushed...

I took out a shitload of student loans.... just cuz i could pretty much... well I was under the impression i was gonna get back $4000 but no Im only gett like 1300, well anywasy I wanted to buy a BUG.... my dream car is a Volkswagen beetle... ive wanted one my whole life.... and thought finally I might get one

but no found out today only getting back 1300 and I suck at saving money.... But I will try. Like i get paid every week at a part time min wage job..... and I travel back to my friends all the time which is a 3 hour drive and spend all my money....

to put it this way... if I didnt spend a penny for 2 months... and sold both my cars.... maybe Id have a chance if the car Im looking at doesnt sell.....

so bummed

and todaYYYY I found out March is a black out month.... so there goes my plans for spring breakkkkkkk

and I broke 2 nails...

Now Im home... and bored with nothing to doooooooooooooooooooooooo

Monday, January 11, 2010

I thought it would be nice to start a blogg.... soo this is it... any ideas on what it should be about?